• info@jemroofingcompany.com
  • (305) 796-1533


Our roof review is more than just a basic check. It's an in-depth analysis conducted by seasoned professionals, ensuring we grasp the health of your building's rooftop. Recognizing potential issues early on is essential for the longevity and efficiency of your roof. In our review, our experts conduct a detailed visual examination, focusing on the roof's structural soundness, material state, and the success of previous maintenance. Advanced instruments like moisture probes, infrared imaging, and sample testing are employed for accuracy. We also study past roof records, including blueprints, service logs, and warranties. After collecting essential data, we furnish a comprehensive summary detailing your roof's status. This report not just pinpoints problems but also suggests remedies. You'll get a ranked list of suggested fixes, advice on picking the right roofing materials, and an overview for potential projects. We'll also offer cost projections and a schedule for the proposed actions. Florida's environment poses unique challenges for roofs, especially due to the frequent hurricanes. Our evaluations ensure your roof meets Florida's stringent building standards, accounting for high wind speeds and coastal demands. We understand that even well-built roofs face threats from storm debris and torrential rain. Florida's prevalent flat roofs, susceptible to water damage, receive our special attention. Moreover, the state's warm and moist conditions can lead to leaks, mold, and material degradation. We tailor our feedback to address Florida's unique roofing challenges

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