• info@jemroofingcompany.com
  • (305) 796-1533

Terms and Conditions for JEM Roofing Company

Last Updated: [Insert Date]

By accessing or using the services of JEM Roofing Company, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions.

  1. Scope of Services

    • JEM Roofing Company will provide roofing services as described in the individual service agreement or contract.
  2. Payment Terms

    • Payments are due upon receipt of invoice unless otherwise agreed in writing. Late payments may be subject to fees.
  3. Warranties

    • We offer a warranty for our services as specified in the individual service agreement. This does not cover damages due to external factors or neglect.
  4. Limitation of Liability

    • JEM Roofing Company shall not be liable for any indirect, special, or consequential damages or losses arising from the use of or inability to use our services.
  5. Force Majeure

    • We are not responsible for delays or failures due to factors outside our control, like natural disasters, strikes, or governmental actions.
  6. Termination

    • Either party may terminate the agreement with written notice under conditions specified in the individual service agreement.
  7. Disputes

    • Any disputes related to these terms and conditions will be governed by the laws of [State/Country] and resolved in the courts of [City/State/Country].
  8. Changes to Terms

    • JEM Roofing Company reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Please review them periodically.
  9. Intellectual Property

    • All content, including logos, brand names, and designs on our website or marketing materials, are the property of JEM Roofing Company and may not be used without written consent.
  10. User Conduct

    • Users of our website agree not to misuse the platform, post harmful content, or attempt to circumvent security features.
  11. Privacy

    • All personal data collected through our services or website is governed by our Privacy Policy.

Contact If you have any questions regarding our Terms and Conditions, please contact: JEM Roofing Company [Address] [Phone Number] [Email Address]

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